30 December 2007

Odd Ball/WISE Hall accessibility

Just a reminder that if you have ability issues to please contact us prior to the party by sending an e-mail to oddball@michaelvsmith.com. Odd Ball is happy to accommodate folks with ability issues by making the hall and the party more accessible to our party-goers. If you let us know when you plan on arriving we can arrange for you to get into the hall via ramp access. Additionally, if you have trouble standing for long periods of time we can provide you with a chair to sit on while you wait in line.

In the hall we always have two tables marked and reserved for those with ability issues. The tables are to the right of the stage and will be marked with signs.

If you are unable to e-mail us prior to the party, please speak with one of our volunteers at the front doors and we will do our best to make the Odd Ball a fun, comfortable and accesible night for you and your friends.

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