25 August 2005

Hold the phone!

Check back soon for more information about our upcoming event...

+ Night of the Living Odd Ball +

Bringing the fun to Vancouver just in time for Hallowe'en.

11 August 2005

We be plannin'

Keep your eyes on this spot for information about upcoming events planned by
The Odd Ballers.
We've got plenty o' ideas in mind and if you'd like to see them come to fruition then you'd be best to check here frequently. Having brought the fun to Vancouver for Pride we are determined not to let it stop there.
As always, please feel free to send comments, questions, photos to titzmcgee@yahoo.ca.

03 August 2005

Calling all Photogs!

Hey you with the camera!

Did you take any interesting, hilarious, sexy photos of the Odd Ball on Sunday July 31st? If so, and if you're willing to share, please send files to titzmcgee@yahoo.ca

We'd really like to post some photographic evidence of all the fun we were having on Pride Sunday! Woo-hoo!


01 August 2005


A great big Thank you! again to all of our volunteers and to all of the party-people that totally rocked last Sunday's Odd Ball! Without you we wouldn't have been able to brag that we hosted The. Best. Pride. Party. Ever!!!

Thank-you to those of you who have e-mailed us with feedback, here are some of the comments that we've received so far:

  • "You guys should do this every weekend! It was so much fun!!!" - Anne
  • "The folks the party attracted made for a perfect lefty, creative, queer, performer chemistry. I noted people dancing in the line for the bar, as well as in the bathroom. Everyone was smiling at each other, talking, laughing. It was great." - Gregory
  • "All I could think of all night was - this is just like prom night except that last weekend all the cheerleaders and football guys got killed in a horrible bus crash!" ~Rob

We encourage those who attended to send us feedback---please leave comments on the blog or send feedback to titzmcgee@yahoo.ca

Please stay tuned for our other events in the future. There is a Hallowe'en event in the works!